Breakout Sessions
We are excited to share our line-up of breakout sessions, presented by local and national character education subject matter experts. You will be able to attend the breakout of your choice.
Beneath the session description, you will see the targeted audience and a list of the 11 Principles that the session correlates to. As a refresher, you will see the full list of 11 Principles here.
Session 1: 10:15 – 11:30 a.m.
Join us in a hands-on workshop where we will demonstrate how to use play to frame all learning in SEL and help prevent challenging behaviors by supporting all learners in fun, inclusive activities. Early learning (EL) is our background and we believe the strategies used in EL promote inclusivity and fun while supporting learners at all levels to be more actively engaged in the classroom. Active Engagement fosters academic and social emotional growth building a strong classroom community.
Audience: Elementary
Principles: 1, 10
Presented by:
Claire Stein and Holly Grafwaller, Racine Unified School District (Racine, WI)
This session aims to explain to all educators "how CHARACTER gives SEL its WHY. " The session will: (1) define the word character; (2) explain the four domains of character (moral, performance, intellectual, and civic); and (3) explain each of the 5 SEL skills. The underlying premise of the session is that while the 5 SEL skills are critically important and serve as important stepping stones, these skills DO NOT motivate students to develop their own moral compass. The session leader will explain how the different core values of character are need to encourage students of all ages to discover and define for themselves their own North Stars, those values and principles that will guide them during the storms of life.
Audience: All
Principles: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11
Presented by:
Arthur Schwartz, (Washington, D.C.)
More than ever before, character education needs to be a cornerstone of every school district’s mission. Studies show a school culture intentionally focused on character development produces a positive school climate. Moreover, preparing students for the future means more than academic success. Employers are emphasizing the importance of perseverance, empathy, service to others, conflict resolution and a strong work ethic. In this session, participants will learn the fundamental keys of effective character education and the change process schools went through to create buy-in and build momentum on the way to becoming a National School of Character.
Audience: All
Principles: 1, 2, 8, 9
Presented by:
Mark Chapin and Sam Dusek, Meyer
Middle School (River Falls, WI)
This session introduces a three part project that spans several months which allows students to explore self-reflection, awareness of strengths and areas of improvements in their lives, and the process of accountability to reach their goals. Students explore goal setting processes and create a tangible resource encompassed in a take home booklet. Students also create a cumulative vision board showing their final goals and steps to achieve said goals. Students will gain knowledge, skills, and create products to share with those close to them. Throughout this process, teachers will learn how to create an environment that fosters student growth.
Audience: Middle
Principles: 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11
Presented by:
Jess Olson and Leah
Fletcher, Meyer Middle School (River Falls, WI)
Session 2: 12:45 – 2 p.m.
We simply cannot serve from an empty vessel, but how do we refuel when we're running on fumes? And if stress overwhelms, anxiety attacks our amygdala and our own lids flip, who and what helps get us back on track? Join Barbara, veteran school counselor from a 2008 State and National School of Character and Trish, Racine school counselor extraordinaire, for some strong, proven, proactive resources to help nourish yourself from the inside out, mind, body, heart and soul. Since we can't give away what we don't have, these compassionate caregivers are here to help you elevate empathy, decrease anxiety, manage stress more effectively, and enJOY moving that needle from me to WE to support and strengthen the climate of caring in your character building.
Audience: All
Principles: 2, 4
Presented by:
Barbara Gruener, The Corner on Character (Friendswood, TX) and Trish Howard, Racine Unified School District (Racine, WI)
Students involved in school activities are some of the most influential kids in your buildings. How they conduct themselves as leaders plays a major role in establishing school culture. By creating opportunities to develop and hone leadership through school activities, club advisors and coaches can help students cultivate positive character to promote a nurturing school atmosphere. In this session, we will share the BATON model to maximize student personal growth and development as leaders.
Audience: Middle, High, Administration
Principles: 2,3,4,5,7,8
Presented by:
Mark Horbinski, WON80 (Necedah, WI) and Wendy Horbinski, (Necedah, WI)
There will be research study information showing that art making can increase self-awareness. Learning self-awareness is the first step which leads to learning the rest of the CASEL competencies of self-regulation, social awareness, building relationships, and responsible decision making. The presenter will share arts-based research study artifacts to show the importance of social emotional learning for all students and the findings of other studies that show making art or writing in a journal can increase positive brain activity.
Audience: Elementary, High
Principles: 3, 4, 5, 6
Presented by:
Annette Svoboda-Lessard, Wisconsin Rapids School District (Wisconsin Rapids, WI)
This session is about creating and establishing a behavior management system that focuses on reinforcing positive habits, strong community, and class culture to promote character values. We will look at key points that identify character, give examples, and share approaches to implementing character based behavior management systems. Participants will have time to learn, collaborate with others, and map out what this approach could look like within their own classroom, school, or district.
Audience: Elementary
Principles: 4, 5, 6
Presented by:
Katie Huse and Danielle
Tatum, Milwaukee College Prep (Milwaukee, WI)
Session 3: 2:15 – 3:30 p.m.
Do you want to develop a positive classroom environment, have more student engagement, and teach SEL in fun and unique ways? This interactive session is designed for all K-8 teachers and will include “learning through movement” in classroom-appropriate ways. Participants will learn how to use games and activities in the classroom to help develop character and empower students with hands-on applications. Come be inspired and leave with many character-building lesson ideas that you can implement right away!
Audience: Elementary, Middle
Priniciples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Presented by:
Tim Mueller, Erin School (Hartford, WI) and Concordia University (Mequon, WI)
Connect, a Social Emotional Learning and Character Development course taught by School Counselors! Learn how this team advocated to add a third counselor, bringing ratios down to 1 counselor per 250 students, while using a proactive approach teaching SEL skills and Character Development to ALL students. In this session we will discuss how we advocated and implemented this additional middle school course to students' exploratory rotation. We will share lesson plans and curriculum ideas. We will share growth data and give you practical ideas and resources to bring back to your school!
Audience: Middle, High
Principles: 2, 4, 5, 6, 11
Presented by:
Sam Dusek, Jordan
Seifert, and Mark Chapin, Meyer Middle School (River Falls, WI)
Performance character traits are often a secondary focus for schools on their character journey. Come learn from a National School of Character how implementing performance traits can boost academic growth. Staff attributes significant student academic growth to two things–A Focus on Character and its work as a Professional Learning Community. For two years in a row, these have combined to have a state report card growth score of 100. Come learn about what that focus on character looks like on a day-to-day basis.
Audience: Elementary, Middle, Administration
Principles: 5, 6, 9
Presented by:
Meg Boyd, Jackie
Michlig and Sarah Jegier, Edgewood Elementary (Greenfield, WI)
School counselor and SEL coach will share how they introduced and integrated Sunshine circles to support community building through an integrated approach to SEL K through third grade. Presenters will share how the framework for coplanning and coteaching to build teacher capacity to maintain the practice of sunshine circles as a regular and integrated practice. This session will highlight the connections between Sunshine Circles, Character Education and the Wisconsin Social Emotional Learning Standards.
Audience: Elementary
Principles: 1,3,4,8,9
Presented by:
Ally Friedkin, Rawson and Luther Elementary (South Milwaukee, WI) and Jaime Kawczynski, Rawson Elementary (South Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Conference Sponsors
The School District of South Milwaukee in partnership with Alverno College and WCEP