
Why choose Alverno for education?

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We have scholarship dollars available. Incoming first-year students can earn between $18,000 and $23,000 in scholarships, renewable for four years.

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Alverno is connected to more than 150 private and public schools throughout metro Milwaukee and beyond. You’ll clock more than 250 hours of classroom practice through your field experiences, which will prepare you for the culmination of your major: full-time student teaching.

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Alverno offers specializations that will make you more marketable. These include special education, bilingual/bicultural, teaching English language learners, and our Early Childhood Outdoor Preschool Environmental Education Program (ECOPEEP), the first nature-based early childhood education program targeted to urban settings in the U.S.

Education – Birth to Third Grade

Use your creativity to instill a sense of curiosity and discovery in young minds.

Education – K to Ninth Grade

Help students grow and flourish during their most formative years.

Special Education

You'll be prepared to ensure that all students receive the education that meets their needs.

Paraprofessional to Teacher

This path to licensure and a bachelor’s degree is open to practicing paraprofessionals of all genders.

Art Education

A student majoring in Art Education learns the abilities and techniques to help others develop their artistic talents.

Art Education / Art Therapy

With this unique double major, you’ll help others explore their sense of self while growing their artistic talents.