
Why choose Alverno for nursing?

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We have scholarship dollars available. Incoming first-year students can earn between $18,000 and $23,000 in scholarships, renewable for four years.

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We have no wait list for clinicals. You'll gain valuable, real-world experience without having to wait, saving you precious time and money.

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Our clinical instructors are clinical experts. 100% of our clinical instructors currently practice as registered nurses, meaning that your learning will be supported by nurses with current professional experience.

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We have long-established, strong partnerships with every major health care system in the Milwaukee area. In recent semesters, 100% of our nursing students completed internships for their final semester clinical practicum. These internships position our graduates well for employment in the practice setting of their choice.

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Our undergraduates can qualify to take their RN licensure exam (NCLEX) in their final semester. A large number of our BSN program graduates successfully complete the NCLEX before they graduate, which is attractive to employers.

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In the classroom

Nursing majors take courses in biology, chemistry, human anatomy and physiology, life span development, abnormal psychology and more. As you advance in the program, you’ll take more specialized nursing courses, learning how to care for aging adults, women, children, complex patients and communities. You’ll also study nursing science and nursing leadership and policy.

You’ll thrive in small class sizes led by caring faculty who will give you insightful feedback on your strengths and how you can improve. You’ll build your skills and confidence by practicing in state-of-the-art learning and simulation centers that mimic real-life health care environments. The curriculum is even designed so you can choose a pace that best matches your needs. And you’ll graduate ready for the working world: A large number of Alverno nursing students successfully complete the NCLEX (nursing licensure exam) before they graduate.

Beyond the classroom

Real-world experience is key, and at Alverno, you’re guaranteed to get it — with no wait list to get into clinicals. You’ll benefit from Alverno’s strong partnerships with local hospitals, clinics, home health care organizations, long-term care and mental health facilities and more. As you advance in your studies, you’ll take on more responsibility, demonstrate your skills and begin your transition from student to practitioner.

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Soua, Nursing Major

Alverno is not your traditional college, and that’s what makes it so unique and special. There’s an emphasis on personal growth, professional development and becoming that strong woman we all know we can be.

Nursing + The Alverno Difference

At Alverno, we’ve trained nurses since 1932 and are well-known for creating highly skilled nursing leaders. Our program’s long history and size will instantly connect you to a powerful career network. Plus, our nursing faculty are internationally and nationally recognized for their expertise in competency-based nursing education.

Instead of letter grades, we focus on your personal development and real-world skills — equipping you with the self-assessment, problem-solving and collaboration skills you need to succeed as an exceptional caregiver, trusted colleague and workplace leader. Our learning approach is centered around the 8 Abilities, which will set you apart from the crowd.

Two nursing students practice in our sim lab

Other Health Care Opportunities

2 + 2 Nursing Program

Kinesiology – Pre-Physical Therapy

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pre-Health Programs

Public Health