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Accelerate Faculty

Mental Health Summit Will Focus on Mitigating and Managing Self-Harm

The Alverno College graduate program in Community Psychology is hosting a mental health summit focused on mitigating and managing self-harm. Participants will learn from a panel of Milwaukee-based experts, take a deep look into issues ranging from non-suicidal to suicidal self-harm, and understand how these issues impact various populations in our community.

Dr. Laura Riggle, a clinical psychologist and former chief psychologist for the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division, will be the keynote speaker. She has provided clinical services in the acute and long-term inpatient units, partial hospitalization program, outpatient clinic, and center for developmental disabilities. She also co-developed one of the first Dialectical Behavior Therapy Day Treatment programs where she specialized in risk assessment and management.

In addition to the opening session and keynote, the summit includes breakout sessions and a resource fair. The objectives for the day include:

  • Exploring the issues of non-suicidal and suicidal self-harm
  • Fostering cross-cultural connections among Milwaukee-area mental health practitioners, students and community leaders
  • Providing opportunities for mental health and health care providers, as well as school personnel, to interact around this important community issue

The summit, which will take place on September 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., is free and open to mental health practitioners, community leaders and students. For more information or to register, visit