About Living on Campus
Living on campus is a great chance for students to live and learn with their peers. On campus residents have easy access to dining facilities, classrooms, and a wide variety of campus activities. Living on campus gives students the ability to live and learn with their peers while reaching their academic goals.
Alverno College requires that all Weekday College students entering the college within one year of high school graduation, who are single with no dependents, to live on campus for their first two semesters unless the student is living with parents or a legal guardian. All on-campus students must be signed up for a Meal Plan.
Housing Contract Process
All students must complete a Housing Application and Contract in order to be assigned to a room. Housing contracts can only be completed online. Please ensure that all of your information is completely and accurately filled out on the Housing Contract. The Housing Contract is for all full-time students, including Weekday, Weekend and Graduate students.
Our Housing Application process for the 2023-2024 academic year is fully online. Please follow this link to access the 2023-2024 Housing Contract. You will need to use your Alverno login information to access our Housing Contract.
Meal Plan Information
All resident students must have a Meal Plan while living on campus. There are a variety of Meal Plan Options available to students. All Meal Plans are a declining balance. Students will start with a total at the beginning of the semester and then that amount will decrease as students purchase meals, snacks and other items from our Dining Facilities.
Students can add funds to their Meal Plans at any time by asking a cashier at either Hudson's Servery or the Inferno Cafe. Meal Plan funds cannot roll over from semester to semester, so please ensure you are keeping up with your balance!
- Meal Plan 1 $3,119
- Meal Plan 2 $2,754
- Meal Plan 3 $2,268
- Clare Only Meal Plan: $1,350
- Graduate Student Meal Plan: $776
The menu at Hudson's Servery changes every week. Check here for the most recent menus and special events calendar from Dining Services.
Summer Housing
Summer housing is available to Alverno students who are registered for classes for the next Fall Semester, but also need to stay in the area for the summer. This is a great option for students taking summer classes, completing internships or working on campus over the summer. You have the option of having your own room or a roommate, depending upon availability.
For a student to live on campus over the summer, she must be registered for the upcoming Fall term and her balance needs to be $199 or less.
In order to receive a Summer Housing Contract, please contact residencelife@alverno.edu. We will send a digital copy of the contract.