
Why choose Alverno for business?

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We have scholarship dollars available. Incoming first-year students can earn between $18,000 and $23,000 in scholarships, renewable for four years.

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Every student completes two internships. You'll gain valuable, real-world experience in your chosen field, giving you an advantage in a competitive job market.

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Our three-year business program provides one-on-one professional coaching. You’ll be paired up with a business professional right from the start, who’ll provide you with professional guidance throughout your college career.

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Customize your program by choosing one of five specialized paths of study in high demand fields: Human Resource Management, Accounting, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurial Studies or Digital Marketing. 

Join us for an online info session

Monday, March 17 from 6 – 7 p.m. CT  |  Learn more and register

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In the classroom

You will develop knowledge and skills highly sought after in business professionals through immersive, real-world project-based learning. You’ll receive a deep foundation of relevant business principles in areas like organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, financial accounting, business ethics, marketing management, managerial finance and more.

Your core business courses will begin day one of your first year, along with your general education requirements. Then, you'll take courses in your specialized area of study.

You can earn digital badges for business skill achievement, which will add distinct value as you pursue internship and career opportunities.

Beyond the classroom

Career seminars will begin day one and go throughout your degree program to focus on your professional development, with mentorship from business community leaders.

You'll put your classroom skills to work through two internships. Our location in Wisconsin's biggest city gives you access to fantastic possibilities. Many of our students have landed permanent jobs at their internship sites. Alverno's Career Studio and our business faculty can help you find the best internships to help you achieve your goals.

Looking to network with business students outside of class? Consider joining Alverno Business Leaders Empower (A.B.L.E.) and/or the Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee (HPGM) Student Chapter.

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Haydee, Business Major

I couldn’t have picked a better school. Everything Alverno does to encourage us to make connections and build our networks right from the start has helped me not be afraid to enter the real world. Everything I’ve learned and every connection I’ve made will last a lifetime.

Business + The Alverno Difference

We create women leaders who are ready to succeed and shatter ceilings. At Alverno, you'll find an empowering, supportive environment that helps you achieve your best. (Perhaps that's why alumnae of women's colleges account for so many of female board members of Fortune 1000 companies.)

Instead of letter grades, we focus on your personal development and real-world skills — equipping you with the crucial communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills you need to thrive in business. Our learning approach is centered around the 8 Abilities, which will set you apart from the crowd.

Two business students working together on laptop