Professional Licensure Disclosures

Under 34 CFR Sec. 668.43, federal regulations have been adopted requiring disclosure for professional programs regardless of the mode of delivery (face-to-face and distance education programs). Institutions are required, by this regulation to determine the states in which a student and prospective student are located for the purpose of disclosing state-specific professional licensure information to students based on the state in which a student is located.

Prospective and current students interested in pursuing professional licensure after graduation can consult the information below.

School of Arts and Sciences

JoAnn McGrath School of Nursing and Health Professions

School of Professional and Graduate Studies


Alverno College offers several programs that lead to licensure under the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Alverno endorses individuals for initial, advanced, and supplementary licenses dependent upon the program. You must pass The Praxis® Tests to demonstrate contact knowledge in the area in which you are seeking licensure. Some programs also require the Wisconsin Foundations of Reading Test (FORT). Alverno also uses the edTPA.

Initial Teaching Licensure Programs

Educators who complete a preparation program approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and receive a license from the department are usually eligible to receive at least a one-year license from other states. Most states require that educators who were prepared in another state complete at least one state-specific requirement such as a course or exam. The one-year or other temporary license gives educators the opportunity to work in a school while they complete the requirement(s).

State licensure requirements are continually changing and there are two public resources that share important information related to license portability.

First, the Education Commission of the States publishes a comparison of state policy on teacher license requirements. Updated June 6, 2020, this informational site also links to each state's specific licensure information for educators coming from outside the state.

The other resource is the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement, which facilitates the mobility of educators among the 47 states, District of Columbia, Department of Defense Education Activity, and Guam, that have signed the Agreement, including Wisconsin. Licensure requirements for out-of-state educators can be found on this website.

It is very important that individuals seeking licensure in another state obtain the most recent certification/licensure information directly from the state in which they seek employment.

Additional Licensure Programs