Becky Engen, PhD, MT-BC
Music Therapy
- Music therapy
- Vocal health
- Music and wellness
- Music and rehabilitation
Becky Engen is an instructor of Music Therapy at Alverno College. She previously served as a professor and director of Music Therapy at Queens University of Charlotte for 17 years.
Prior to teaching in higher education, Engen was an internship director and clinician specializing in adult populations, specifically psychiatric and medical. Her dissertation research, singing with persons who have COPD, evolved from her clinical work and serves as a foundation for continued international inquiry. More current research interests relate to the vocal health of practicing music therapists. She has been published in both the Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives and is co-author of a book, Functional Voice Skills for Music Therapists. Engen has been a leader in the profession for more than 30 years, starting as a representative to the Student Affairs Advisory Board for the Midwest region. She also has served as an assembly delegate in multiple regions, past president for the Music Therapy Association of North Carolina, and past Chair of the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) Continuing Education Committee.
Engen earned her Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy from the University of Iowa. She earned both her Master of Art in Music Education and PhD in Music Education from the University of Iowa, both degrees having an emphasis in Music Therapy. She serves as a member of the Education and Clinical Training Advisory Board for the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) and is a co-chair for the Academic Program Approval Committee.
(Pronounced ENG-ghen)
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