Alverno College has appointed the Bias and Nondiscrimination Team, comprised of the following individual(s), to coordinate Alverno’s compliance with federal, state, and local civil rights laws and ordinances:
For sex discrimination and sex-based harassment allegations:
Jason Pilarski
Title IX Coordinator and Chief/Director of Campus Safety, Campus Safety
Founders Hall, Room 254
3400 S. 43rd Street
PO Box 343922
Milwaukee, WI 53234
(414) 382-6151
For student disability-based allegations:
ML Cogar
Director, Center for Learning and Support
Sr. Joel Read Center, Room 109
3400 S. 43rd Street
PO Box 343922
Milwaukee, WI 53234
(414) 382-6223
For student discrimination and harassment allegations (not based on sex or disability):
Ann Romei
Assistant Dean of Students, Student Development and Success
Founders Hall, Room 116
3400 S. 43rd Street
PO Box 343922
Milwaukee, WI 53234
(414) 382-6372
For employment-related allegations (not based on sex):
Christina Navarro
Director, Human Resources
Founders Hall, Room 211
3400 S. 43rd Street
PO Box 343922
Milwaukee, WI 53234
(414) 382-6086
Collectively, these individuals are responsible for providing comprehensive nondiscrimination education and training; coordinating the College’s timely, thorough, and fair response, investigation, and resolution of all alleged prohibited conduct under this Policy; and monitoring the effectiveness of this Policy and related procedures to ensure an education and employment environment free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
Alverno recognizes that allegations under this Policy may include multiple forms of discrimination and harassment as well as violations of other Alverno policies; may involve various combinations of students, employees, and other members of the Alverno community; and may require the simultaneous attention of multiple Alverno departments. Accordingly, all Alverno departments will share information, combine efforts, and otherwise collaborate, to the maximum extent permitted by law and consistent with other applicable Alverno policies, to provide uniform, consistent, efficient, and effective responses to alleged discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.