Assessment Center

What does the Assessment Center do? Where would I find it?

The Assessment Center (AC) manages limited space for students to complete assessments outside of class. The office also provides space for students who require ADA and/or Title IX accommodations. We are located in the Read Center RC114.

Why would I take a class assessment in the AC?

You may need to set up an assessment in the AC for one or more of these cases:

  • You have an official accommodations memo from Alverno’s Student Accessibility Coordinator ( that has been shared with your instructor(s).
  • You have missed an assessment but arranged a makeup with your instructor.
  • You were unable to complete an assessment during regular class time and arranged more time with your instructor.
How do I set up an assessment in the AC?
  • Start by emailing or talking with your instructor to make the request. Your instructor must share assessment materials and instructions with the AC before an appointment can be scheduled.
  • Once your instructor has submitted the materials, you may come directly to the AC (RC114), email us (, or give us a call (414-382-6020) to make your appointment. We will set you up!
What happens when I come to assess?
  • Check In
    • You will need to show us an official photo ID (Alverno or state-issued IDs are both acceptable)
    • You will power off or silence your tech (e.g., phones, smart watches, etc.).
    • You will give us your phone and other items to hold during your assessment. No tech beyond what is listed in the instructor’s directions will be allowed in the assessment room.
    • We will secure your phones behind the main desk or provide cabinet storage for the rest of your items (coat, laptop, backpack, etc.) until you are finished.
    • We will check your instructor’s instructions regarding how much time and what materials you may use. These instructions will be followed.
  • Assessing
    • You will be seated in an appropriate assessment space for the time allotted in order to complete your assessment.
    • You will complete your assessment in one appointment. The only exception is if your instructor has indicated otherwise on the form.
  • Completing and Submitting
    • Once finished, you will bring all assessment materials to AC staff in RC114 or to Raechel Bowersox in RC119.
    • We will distribute your completed assessment and all related materials to your instructor by the end of day.
What else can I do in the AC?
  • You can arrange to take a Credit for Prior Learning bypass assessment in order to earn credits for some introductory courses if you have received an invitation to do so.
  • You can arrange a private room for assessments that are external to class, such as the AC-151 Social Interaction assessment, which is required of all first-semester students.
  • Once you graduate, you can train alongside area professionals through Alverno's Volunteer Assessor Program to assist instructors in providing feedback to students during the assessment. We hope to welcome you as a future assessor!
Assessment Center Staff

Raechel Bowersox, Assessment Administrator

Assessment Hours

Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Contact Information

Read Center, Room 114
Phone: 414-382-6020