One-hundred sixty-eight students will walk across the Alverno College Pitman Theatre stage on December 15 at 2 p.m. to receive their undergraduate degrees. Forty-six master's candidates will receive their degrees from Alverno on Friday, December 14, at 7:00 p.m.
Commencement activities for undergraduates will begin with an 11 a.m. liturgy in the Alverno College chapel, followed by a brunch for degree candidates and their families. The undergraduate commencement introduction will be given by Kayla Cargiulo, who will receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in Professional Communication; the undergraduate invocation will be given by Mary Rodgers, who will receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management Accounting; and the student address, “Mind the Hilly Road,” will be given by Grace McKirdy, who will receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies. The graduate commencement invocation will be given by Paula Pintar, who will receive a Master of Science in Nursing degree. A champagne reception will follow the graduate commencement ceremony. McKirdy and Rodgers are Milwaukee residents, Cargiulo is from Richfield, and Pintar is from Racine.